Book repair – Assemble and glue all pages together

Book repair – Assemble and glue all pages together

Ever bought a book where all its pages are bind together via glue? Sometimes, incorrect viscosity of the glue used during the gluing process causes the glue fail to hold all pages together, thus, some pages start to fall apart after some time. Sometimes even the whole book get detached from the book cover. Below is an example.

No worry. It can be fixed easily. Forget about using tape to stick everything together page by page. That’s too troublesome, consumes too much tape and consumes your precious time.

Here is an alternative. First, assemble all pages properly in the correct page order, arrange it tidily against one edge of the pages.

Clip both end of the stack with binder clips as shown. Do leave a small gap; let’s say about 3mm, between the edge of the paper stack to the edge of the binder clips as shown.
Notice that along the edge of the stack, there will still be some small gaps in between the pages especially towards the center of the stack. That is ok.

Apply normal office glue along the edge of the stack. While applying office glue, do gently press the glue along the edge of the stack in order to allow a small amount of glue to get squeezed in between the pages. Leave the stack aside and let it dry.

Put additional binding clips along the edge of the stack as shown while waiting for the glue to dry.

The reason why this will work is because small amount of glue will “sneak in” between the pages along the entire edge of the stack, gluing all the pages into one stack.

Once the glue dried, you can easily stick the stack of pages back to the book cover.  There you go, job done.

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